Business Advisory Services

Tally Xcelerators are independent and experienced experts, able to offer hands on, practical help, advice and support in specific business areas that will help make a difference to business success

  • Mentoring and Coaching
  • Improve access to Finance
  • Improve Organizational Culture
  • Promotion of Cluster and Networking
  • Adoption of Best Practice in the Industry
  • Business Incubation

Mentoring and coaching mainly deals with behavioral aspects of entrepreneurship, addressing the essential issue of how entrepreneurial competencies and behaviors of business owners influence the conduct, and above all the results of their business.

The program should change partners’ behaviors and foster positive and creative attitudes, help them to develop, refine and improve their entrepreneurial competencies; Tally Xcelerator has to drive partner to have more ‘’awareness on self" – his/her current strengths and weaknesses as a Business Person, this should show his/her current behaviors and also provide a checklist to change to drive towards success.

Inadequate access to finance remains a major obstacle for many of our partners and aspiring entrepreneurs in general. Entrepreneurs of all types and sizes require a variety of financial services, including facilities for making deposits and payments as well as accessing credit, equity and guarantees.

Partners may have required capabilities to grow exponentially, but may lack access to finance when required or may not have discipline of managing finance properly.

The method could be through Commercial banks that have introduced products feasible to MSME sector, Micro Finance institutions etc. Facilitate partners to build a robust business plan to seek attention of private investors and ease lending procedures at Banks and Financial Institutions. Gradually, it may also be feasible to attract a pool of investors who can lend loans basis growth risk.

Organization’s work culture depicts the personality of an organization. Work culture has to be aligned with the core values of the organization. Culture needs to be nurtured and sustained through various means such as rewarding people who shadow and live it in their life. Facilitate our partners run a ‘culture driven organization’

Networking will help the organization in various ways – right from generating genuine referrals, sharing ideas, conceptualizing an idea, raising funds etc

Developing a cluster of like-minded individuals/organizations and driving them the path of growth and help develop, participate in business associations, fairs and facilitate networking.

The focus should be on upgrading our partners and MSMEs in general - their ability to meet the scale, quality and cost needs

There are many hurdles that a young partner/business face today, hurdles such as space, funding, legal, accounting, computer services and other prerequisites to run the business.

Tally Xcelerator has to encourage Business Internship, where a young business/potential partner is identified, closely handheld for duration (6 to 8 months) - help set-up infrastructure, help raise required finance, manpower, training etc.

Services have been put together into different packages making it easy and convenient for anyone to choose a particular service or a pack of services.

  • Registration of Company, Trade mark certification (or any related certification), Statutory compliances (taxation registration), Obtaining business license and permit (PF/ESIC etc.)
  • Determination of legal structure of ownership (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, LLP)
  • Company readiness - Design of Logo, Business Card, Letter Heads, Company envelopes
  • Interaction & networking with like-minded and Influencers
  • Set up of office location (Lease / rental agreement, infrastructure, equipment, company sign board etc.)
  • Timely filing of statutory requirements (tax returns, ESIC / PF, TDS etc.)
  • Tie-up with Insurance Companies for critical risk covers (which policy, premium etc.)
  • Tie-up with Financial institutions for maintaining Funds movement (Bank accounts)
  • Market Research - Opportunity sizing, Priority sequencing
  • Marketing Assistance
  • Help with business etiquette
  • Creation of bankable business plan (with Positive EBIDTA so that financing becomes easy)
  • Beat plan with clear objective defined
  • Assistance in getting finances from financial institutions (for Working capital or expansion of business) - All paper work ready - Desired business plan
  • Educating and mentoring on managing funds, working capital, budgeting etc.
  • Negotiating skills
  • Time management skills
  • Public speaking skills
  • Research skills
  • Teamwork and people skills
  • Creation of future growth plan for their employees
  • Timely rewards and recognition to the employees for overachieving their objectives
  • Periodic training on core subject/domain (e.g. GST, Taxes etc.) and its importance
  • Soft skill training (Public speaking, One to one interaction, business etiquettes, Email writing etc.)
  • Workshop on Leadership - Motivating teams and groups, Transformational leadership, Managing in a crisis, Managing conflict and dissent, Fostering leadership systems.
  • Building second line of leadership
  • Fine tuning the fitment of existing resources
  • Scaling up existing Resources to handle Large Accounts
  • Advisory services on Merger and Acquisition
  • Expansion planning - Building a global organization
  • Project Management for GVLA - Proposal creation, SRS, Service Agreement
  • Prospecting Principal Companies
  • Prospecting Standalone companies

Basic Services

TX would be executing few major programs under Basic Services, namely Yoddha, BYOB, Business Planning & Review and Enablement of Emerging Channels.

    • Hiring assistance

    • Induction

    • Basic Assessment

    • Training

    • Advance Assessment

    • PMS

    • R & R

    • Onboarding New Partner

    • Handholding for 1st quarter of operations

    • Certificate Sustenance

    • Business Plan & Activity/ Event planning

    • Monitoring of lead gen activities

    • Review of Business plan vs Achievement

    • SI- Enablement & Resource orientation

    • TRP- Training in Chapter events

    • LFR- Enablement & Resource training

    • OEM- Enablement & Resource training